Assam tea counts for one of the strongest black teas in the world. With robust malty flavor and high caffeine content it is usually drunk as a breakfast tea. But, Assam tea doesn't need to be drunk in the usual way to get all the benefits it can offer. Besides, if you like the taste of Assam, there is no better way to make your deserts and drinks more interesting and tasty. These ideas are great for garden parties or enjoying tea alone. Organic tea will give you the best health benefits, boost your energy and offer an amazing full flavor. Check some of the ideas how you can use it during hot summer day.
Assam iced tea
Use 10 grams of organic Assam tea leaves per 200 ml of water, brew it with hot water for 5-10 minutes, let it cool down a bit, then add a teaspoon of honey. Let it cool down in a fridge, fill a glass with ice cubs and top with tea. Serve immediately. It is important to make a stronger brew than you would normally, as some of the flavor will get lost when cooled down. Add dried herbs or flowers like rose buds or hibiscus to make it more fruity and refreshing.
Suggested tea: Kanoka Summer Breeze
Assam gin-tonic
You can use black tea to add flavor to alcohol like gin or vodka. Use around 400-500 ml of alcohol and add 3-5 organic Assam tea in teabags inside. Tight the cap of the bottle and let is soak overnight. Remove the bags in the morning. Cool down both gin and tonic for 2-3 hours. Add 60 ml of tea infused gin and top with 120-150 ml of tonic. Add few ice cubes and serve immediately.
Suggested tea: Assam tea in teabags
Assam and fruit shaved-ice
You will be needing 100 grams of mango, melon or pear. Blend it in the kitchen blender together with 100 ml of cold water. It is important you blend it well until you get a smoothie like texture with no visible fruit pieces. Put it in a freezer for about two hours, and stir with a spoon every 30 minutes until you get a nice mixture with crystallized ice. Brew your organic Assam tea in the usual way and let it cool down in the fridge. Take the shaved ice out of the freezer and let it melt only a bit so you can easily scoop it out and put in a glass. Fill the glass, about half full, with fruit shaved-ice and pour cold tea over. Serve immediately.
Suggested tea: Classical Morning Delight
excellent preparation From Assam teas.as well as new concept.